Thursday 20th March 2014
The first official liturgical book for the Personal Ordinariates to be provided under the auspices of the Apostolic Constitution, Anglicanorum Coetibus, will be published in the UK next week. Divine Worship Occasional Services will be available from 25 March from the Catholic Truth Society, priced at £40. The book contains the Order for the Celebration of Holy Matrimony, the Order of Funerals, the Rite of Infant Baptism, as well as Holy Baptism and Confirmation for Adults and Older children. It will be leather-bound and gilt-edged. (An impression is pictured here, though the final published book may not precisely resemble the picture.) The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Divine Worship have decided on the generic title, Divine Worship for the entire liturgical provision for the Personal Ordinariates, though the term "Ordinariate Use" may still be used as shorthand. The Order of Mass is likely to be published within the year.
The CTS website, where the book will be available from 25 March can be accessed by clicking here.