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Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
under the patronage of Saint John Henry Newman

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is the free monthly on-line review in the service of the Personal Ordinariates of Our Lady of Walsingham and Our Lady of the Southern Cross

It is read by around 6,000 people each month
    . . . those in these Personal Ordinariates
    . . . those Anglicans who are interested in the Ordinariate
    . . . and all Catholic friends of the Ordinariate
    . . . and many others.

The Portal Magazine is published on-line on the first day of every month of the year.

It covers News, Events, Personalities, Catholic teaching, Letters, Features, Catholic and Anglican history, news from Ordinariate Parishes and the growth of the Personal Ordinariates around the world.

Click here to read the latest edition of The Portal Magazine.

Click here to listen to the PORTALMAG PODCAST produced by the members of the Editorial Board and available at 6pm every Saturday evening.